End Malaria

Latest updates on efforts to combat the scourge of malaria.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Medical News Today: Africa Fighting Malaria Responds To Berkeley University Study Into DDT And Neurodevelopment In Children

AFM takes aim at another study attempting to link DDT exposure with human harm.

"...Richard Tren, Director of Africa Fighting Malaria notes, “...The findings of Eskenazi et al. are neither conclusive nor relevant to the use of DDT with IRS programs for malaria control...”


Real risks, irrelevant risks

Real risks, irrelevant risks
by Fiona Kobusingye-Boynes

"...We need to calculate the value of lives affected by being sick with malaria for weeks every year … of mental capacity lost due to malaria … of 1.5 million African lives lost every year. Even at $1,000 to $10,000 per life, the impact of malaria – and the value of DDT – is monumental.

This month, another malaria outbreak hit the Kabale district in southern Uganda. Over 6,000 people were admitted to clinics in one week. Spraying with Icon resulted in the deaths of two students. That is terrible, but last year 70,000 Ugandans died from malaria. In 65 years, DDT never killed anyone.

Should we stop spraying, to prevent more deaths from Icon or possible learning delays from using DDT – and sacrifice another 70,000 Ugandans again this year, and next year, and the year after that?..."

Read the article on malaria and DDT >