"...But...why malaria?"
As I've asked friends to support me for the fast over the past month, the responses have run the gamut and I think reinforce the need to raise awareness about the reality of the situation. One friend asked me point-blank what I suspect others are thinking; "But D.J., why malaria...?"
Many of these caring and well-educated people are in the same place I was not that long ago. My progression on the malaria issue is perhaps similar to many others.
It starts with
"How big of a problem is it?"
Then you dig deeper, perhaps at the encouragement of a friend or an article you read on a flight home:
"The numbers are staggering"
And even informed with the most conservative of statistics and data, if you're at all like me, you're simply overwhelmed at the enormity of the crisis. This is further complicated by the enormous structural and systemic challenges in the affected regions - broken economies, governments, health care delivery systems, and so on.
It is tempting to throw up one's hands in frustration.
From my vantage point, that's what makes the Fast Day against Malaria so worthwhile. $5 can make a difference in one life, one village.
I don't kid myself that this is a long-term solution or even the best short-term solution but it does help stem the tide of death and decimation today, right now while many passionate groups and individuals work hard on the macro-level changes.
Please fast yourself of if you cannot fast, support someone who is by visiting: